The Communicator on 21st Century Learning | Fall/Winter 2019


It Never Fails to Inspire

Our EdLeader21 Annual Event is all about networking and learning together to advance 21st century learning.

Each year, I am inspired and reinvigorated when our national network gathers for the EdLeader21 Annual Event. The energy. The passion for learning. The creativity and collaboration of visionary education leaders. The dedication to advancing 21st century learning and helping students. It all combines to create an experience that reminds me of why we all do what we do here at Battelle for Kids.

Tell us what you think. 

We’re almost 20 years into the 21st century. How far have we come in realizing the power and promise of 21st century learning for every student? How far do we still have to go?

We are currently working on a report entitled "The State of 21st Century Learning: Are We There Yet?" And we need your input. Please visit this link and answer three short questions.

Thank you in advance for your responses.


NEW! EdSpark21 Podcast 

Episode 1: Why they do it.

Recently, our CEO Dr. Karen Garza had the opportunity to sit down and talk with two innovative superintendents—Jeff Brown of Granville Exempted Village Schools and Mario Basora of Huber Heights City School District. And we recorded it.

Here’s your chance to listen in as the three of them discuss why they’re committed to 21st century learning, what progress we’ve made, what barriers exist, and the importance of creating education environments that encourage responsible risk taking by both teachers and students.

Each month, we’ll bring you a new episode of EdSpark21 focusing on 21st century learning. Listen to Episode 1 now.


Nearly 600 rural educators and advocates from across the nation came together in Louisville, KY, for the 2019 National Forum to Advance Rural Education. Ron Berger–chief academic officer, EL Education–was among keynotes and presenters connecting a theme of people, place, and purpose. See highlights of the event at

We are looking for shining examples of 21st century learning.

Luminaries from Battelle for Kids will recognize, celebrate, and highlight those school systems that are bringing 21st century learning to life for their students.

Becoming a 21st century education system is a journey. None of us are completely there, and no two school systems are on the exact same path. Through the Luminaries recognition, we will all be able to study and learn from the different approaches education leaders across the country are taking to realize the power and promise of 21st century learning for every student.

Applications will open in mid-December, with Luminaries being announced in June.


Catch up on our latest blogs.

Every month, we host a network of 30 innovative district superintendents in Ohio who come together to collaborate around how to accelerate deeper 21st century learning experiences.
Read: Superintendents Learning & Leading Together
Ken Kay's blog series highlights three important components of “student-led learning.” In part two, he provides real-world examples from districts in our national network of problem-solving, self-direction, and student responsibility.
Read: The Power of Student-Led Learning, Part 2
“This year is different,” began Superintendent Prohaska at the morning convocation. “Normally, we’d review the state report card and our district data. But those conversations can wait. Today is about building—and sharing—hope. Today, we’ll start the year around the hope we have to bring our Portrait of a Graduate to life for every student.” 
Read: “Today, We Start With Hope”
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